Okay, though it has some problems.
On the whole I liked the game. However, I'd like to talk about what I think are the bad parts of the game.
I really wanted to be able to click and drag the main map to move around the world, instead of clicking and dragging the minimap. But that's a minor interface issue.
It seems to me like most of the options of the game don't really matter...If you can infect every region on earth before they close all their borders, then you can wait as long as you need to accumulate enough points to make your disease lethal. If you don't infect every region, then you lose. (Or at least you don't win.) So, most of the stuff, while interesting, doesn't really impact the game much.
In view of this, Madagascar is broken. (Meaning, it's too tough to beat.) If you can start in Africa, it's probably not hard to infect Madagascar, but I always seem to start in South or Central America.
Also, I noticed that even with all the resistances and transmission types, "infectivity" was still very, very small. So that huge infectivity bar is really just a red herring, I guess.
Also, you really should have instructions within the game. It's annoying to have to go to some other website to learn about it...and those video tutorials are pretty lame. The game is just NOT that complicated, you could easily write a help screen for it. Or, maybe half a dozen screens since you want to have diagrams showing how to press the "X" to close the windows. (That's the ONLY thing I really needed from the tutorials.)
Here's an actual bug: I was playing a game where the only hospital left open was in Greenland. Strangely, Greenland was taking no action to try halting the spread of the disease. And then everyone in Greenland died...but the hospital was still working on a vaccine. It would have taken them more than 1000 days, but they were still working, even though everyone was dead! Seems like a bug to me. (I was playing a Virus on Relaxed.)
Speaking of which, I've noticed that there's always one ship wandering around the world even after all the shipyards close. Huh.
And one more thing...Necrosis + Hypotonia = Zombie Apocalypse?