Too hard by far.
Too hard by far.
Interesting exploration
I think you've hit upon (or at least nudged up against) something intriguing. The bit where you have to upgrade your shop before you can buy's an interesting interaction between the "metagame" and the "game". What if you had to level up your shop in order to buy more powerful items? Hmmm...
Okay animation
It's okay, I liked the animation and stuff...However, I can't figure out why it's "interactive". The "interactivity" is just clicking once it far as I can tell there aren't any choices. It would have been better as just a movie.
For our class project the "Interactive" concept just meant "have buttons". But yeah i should of just gone with simple skip buttons at the bottom and probs added a narration over the top to make it have a purpose (as in when the narrator finishes talking click next sorta thing)
Cool, this reminds me of a project I did in high school. However, I don't think it's quite right for Newgrounds. Not only that, it's not really interactive and it's hard to tell what's going on...
Now, That screen idea, is seeming really good xD Guess I should have added a bit more help, huh?
Thought-provoking, though a couple stumblingblocks
Okay, so the black characters represents PS3 fans, while the white ones play the Wii...
Just joking. (Probably.) I liked this game, thought it was interesting. First, a couple of basic problems: "Meet the waves in the middle" is kind of an obscure instruction. It took me a few tries to figure out exactly what it meant. Second, the first time I played I just went back and forth a couple of times and then stopped...I figured it would continue endlessly. However, there IS a definite end to the game. I looked at some of the other comments and figured out there was more, so I went back and tried it again. Still, it's kind of a long way to go and you don't really feel as though you're making progress.
The way I see it, the game models a certain system...and then it shows you that working within the system cannot solve the system's problems. You have to find some other solution, something outside in order to really get things done. Becoming "gray" is the first step...but you can't do it all here, you have to go out and find the rest of the solution yourself.
I'm always up for hacking games, but it seems to be broken. There's a login prompt, but I have no idea what the login is. I didn't see it on the loading screen and it's not listed in the NG description.
Eep, at the login screen all you do is enter your name and click login, it's just a fancy way of asking the players name. Sorry it wasn't very clear!
Pretty good
I liked it, but what happens if you go along and you're not strong enough to win a fight? There should be some "random monsters" you can fight to raise your level and earn money outside of the arena.
Good, as far as it goes
I liked it, I liked the variety of weapons. However, it took SO long for the bodies to pile up...if you have to wait so long, then the game isn't really about piling up bodies, it's just about shooting enemies. And there are already enough games about *that*...
Sort of okay
This isn't a game, is it? Also, you lost points for Comic Sans. Nobody serious uses that font.
Tutorials are games. And I can usevthe fonts I like
"I'm sure they'll listen to Reason." -- Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
Lawng Goiland NY
Joined on 3/21/04