Siiiigh. All right, time to go through the logical flaws.
"He does not wish that any perish". So this all-powerful being has created a world where people are tortured through random accidents, where they get diseases, where people kill each other and are never punished...If "He" were all-powerful, why wouldn't he just let everyone live forever? No, I guess "He" wants us all to jump through hoops and arbitrary rules, for "His" own amusement.
"You have to choose to serve God. But you can't." Then...what's the point? Why am I even playing this game?
I went through and I accepted the existence of logic and such, but I occasionally saw these hellish flashes of all these winged people menacing me. Disturbing. I thought those were the RIGHT answers. Anyway, that's probably just a bug or something, it's not important.
"The only way Absolute truth, knowledge, and logic make sense in the human experience is through the existence of God." Uh...What? Whaaat? I can't figure out the "logic" here. See, we know the universe exists, and we use logic to figure things out about the universe. But why does that imply the existence of an invisible sky wizard watching our every move and judging us on arbitrary rules? We don't know where the universe came from, but maybe it just...happened? Just because the universe has a certain order, as in like physical laws, it doesn't mean it's all controlled behind the scenes by some being.
See, it would be EASY to believe in God. It would be very comforting to imagine that there's some plan behind everything. It's HARDER to imagine that there isn't really any point. It's harder to decide to care for others, to help the sick and the weak, to make the world a better place, NOT because some superbeing told you to, but because you decide it's the RIGHT thing to do.
And yet, the more you learn about religion, the more it becomes obvious that it's all a reflection of human desires. I mean, basically Jesus said "We should forget about all the rituals and decorations and just focus on being good people", and then Paul came along and said "This Christianity thing is nice but it needs more rituals and decorations", and nowadays Christianity is all megachurches and huge donations and oppressing homosexuals...Sorry, I prefer to focus on HELPING people.
Speaking of which, after seeing my gravestone (but I thought it didn't MATTER if I died?), there was a quote from the Christian Bible. Why wasn't there something from the Koran? Or the Talmud? Oh, right—out of ALL the religions in the world, ONLY ONE is "proven" by "logic"...yeah, right.