Fun remake
Ah, a remake of Alchemy! Pretty fun, very polished. Good work.
Fun remake
Ah, a remake of Alchemy! Pretty fun, very polished. Good work.
There weren't any instructions, I had no idea what to do. I tried clicking something and it said "No". Oh well...I think I'll go play something that can actually be played.
Oh hey, a Princess Maker remake. It's always good to see the classics get revisited.
Pretty good
Finally got the good ending...Man, am I glad that's over. Well, actually I thought the game was very well made, it's just that some of the puzzles were pretty frustrating. Also, I'm not sure I get the point...I guess that's okay, but the one thing that really bothered me was that I can't figure out how what makes the 'good ending' different from the 'bad ending'. Sure, different stuff 'happens', but why does that matter?
Also, after the good ending I saw the credits...once that little story had finished, I pressed 'Skip' and it seems to have frozen. Might want to look into that.
Not good
The bombs falling were "NGIA", so I put in "GAIN". WRONG! The answer was actually "AGNI". I'm sorry, WHAT?
I couldn't defeat the bat blob guy. The character said something about a 'VegiMight', but the tutorial didn't say anything about an inventory or anything like that. All it said to do was physical attack.
The controls are messed up, I couldn't get the ball to roll where I wanted. Also, it takes 10 seconds to restart after every "death". Sorry, try again.
Kinda pointless...
It's coded well, but...There's not much to the game, is there? All you do is click the cubes until they match. There isn't any thought required. It needs something more to be a really fun game.
i will improve this in my nexts games, thanks for your opnion. =)
It looks intriguing, but it doesn't work. I keep doing the symbols over and over and it only works about 5% of the time. Did you test this at all?
Too hard by far.
"I'm sure they'll listen to Reason." -- Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
Lawng Goiland NY
Joined on 3/21/04