It's all right, but how do I pass a turn?
It's all right, but how do I pass a turn?
This was pretty cool! Gyruss is the kind of game that should be revisited more often. The controls are difficult, but I think it's only because you have to keep track of so much stuff at once. There are so many options and ways to move...really I just stayed at the top as if it were Gyruss. Possibly that wasn't the best though.
I was having fun and suddenly the game ended. WTF?
there is a timer! If you do not move for 10 seconds the game will be over.
Weird. Interesting though.
Unfortunately, I played "Trolley Terror Jr." and ultimately hit a grandma, but the cart and the grandma stayed on the screen after the game, and in fact for the rest of my playtime.
ahahah nooooo!! my bad this game wasn't built with html5 in mind... thanks for pointing this out *FIXED*
Wow, zombies in 3D! We've never seen that before! Except for, wait, Left For Dead, Left For Dead 2, Half-Life 2, Half-Life, Quake...
Anyway, it's sort of okay, but the ammo runs out very fast, the mouse isn't inverted and there's really nothing to do except run around and shoot zombies. What's the point?
Well it's got clear instructions, which is more than I can say for a lot of these games! The music is okay, but maybe some sound effects would be good. Other than that, though, it's really not anything we haven't seen a dozen times before...
Absolutely nothing new. Only one level. Level design is, well it isn't really designed, it's just a grid of blocks. No music or sound.
It's okay, but when I get to the end of the level it...stops. In the first level I was eventually able to move around again and go to the level end thingy, but I don't think I'll be able to end the second level.
First I was perplexed, because the 'instructions' (and I use the term very loosely) were extremely unclear. After pressing the mouse button experimentally and dying half a dozen times, I realized you had to click where the circles touched. So, once I got that, it became trivially easy--I thought, this is it? A game about clicking where circles touch? Then I got to some spikes, and I have no idea how to pass them. But I've already wasted enough time on this stupid game.
I waited 5 minutes but it never loaded. Not even any "50% loaded" or anything like that.
did you click on a flag when asked "which language do you want?" ?
"I'm sure they'll listen to Reason." -- Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
Lawng Goiland NY
Joined on 3/21/04