I can't figure out when to press the keys. Shouldn't there be a tutorial or something? I tried three times and died all three times. Well, that was dumb.
I can't figure out when to press the keys. Shouldn't there be a tutorial or something? I tried three times and died all three times. Well, that was dumb.
It can't get any more simple, you are pressing two buttons... You just have to time it well.
It's a good idea, but it needs work. I was able to avoid being eaten but Pac-Man ate the OTHER two ghosts. Then it was just me and Pac-Man running endlessly around the maze. I mean, it got into a thing where Pac-Man got into the corner...Pac-Man would go up, I would try to head him off, he would turn around and go around the corner the other way, I would go to head him off at the other exit, he would turn around and go around the corner the other way, I would go to head him off at the other exit, he would turn around and go around the corner the other way, I would go to head him off at the other exit, he would turn around and go around the corner the other way, I would go to head him off at the other exit, he would turn around and go around the corner the other way, I would go to head him off at the other exit, he would turn around and go around the corner the other way, I would go to head him off at the other exit, he would turn around and go around the corner the other way...
You see the problem, I hope?
I think in the original Pac-Man the ghosts got faster if you just played the same level too long. Something like that, maybe...
First of all, I didn't know I could move to the side until I looked at the game description and saw "WASD or arrows". Personally, I feel all the instructions should be available within the game. I played for a while and got frustrated because I was randomly dying. It turns out those pillars of light are actually HARMFUL. That was definitely not clear for a long time ("things kill you" isn't much of an instruction).
Anyway, I FINALLY got up to 42 or so, but it's just too difficult at that. I think I can guess what the "plot twist" is, though. I have to say, the graphics and animation are great, it's just some of the other bits that need work...
Finally, thank you, I didn't know what people found wrong with the game! So good you wrote it all out :)
"Forgive yourself"? What's that supposed to mean? You don't know anything about me or whether I deserve forgiveness. This is stupid.
It's very well done. Kinda minimalist, but I guess that's not a bad thing, heh. The thing that bothered me, though, was that in each puzzle there was really only one way through. I often got into a mode of simply looking for the next wall I could "through"; I didn't bother thinking about WHY or HOW, or trying to SOLVE anything, I just kept walking along until I got to the end. Seems like kind of a weakness for a puzzle game. Good job with what you have, though!
I can rotate the 'cursor', and I can press Y or Z to take or place blocks...but then what? I guess I somehow have to get the guy to the flashing block, NOT THAT THERE ARE ANY INSTRUCTIONS
Oh, you press W or Arrow Up to move. Thought it was intuitive enough, added the controls to the description.
"I'm sure they'll listen to Reason." -- Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
Lawng Goiland NY
Joined on 3/21/04