What the heck? It's just a hidden object game. Do we REALLY need more of those?
What am I supposed to do? Are the controls the mouse? Nothing says I should use the mouse. Why should I have to go to the walkthrough to find that out? Why should I care about this random environment? Is static really that spooooooooky? This is pointless.
All right, now add a level editor so people can create and share levels, and then you'll REALLY have something.
It's pretty fun, just like the first one. However, how come I can only use support devices once after I unlock them? It's impossible to get those "kill 1 person with Trap" objectives.
It's pretty clever. Kinda simple, I got to level 24 without breaking a sweat, then I didn't feel like playing any more. It annoys me, though, that every time a level is completed I have to wait several seconds.
1) Learn the difference between "it's" and "its". 2) Robotron controls have the movement on the left and the shooting on the right. It's really clumsy to play with my arms crossed. At least give the option to configure! 3) Not that great anyway.
LOL I'm actually very ashamed by the grammatical error... I barely had time to mess with balancing the levels, let alone check the text of the game before the contest ended... And yes, the control scheme was the number one complaint I got, it will definitely be fixed in a fuller version :) Thanks for your time!
Too hard.
What the hell am I supposed to do? All I see are a bunch of words. There aren't any "brushes" or anything mentioned in the (hilariously uninformative) "Controls".
Gee, I wish those words were clickable. Oh well.
"I'm sure they'll listen to Reason." -- Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
Lawng Goiland NY
Joined on 3/21/04