The game starts, and after a few seconds the guys yell "WHAT DO WE DO NOW?" and explode.
That's exactly what I was wondering, guys.
The game starts, and after a few seconds the guys yell "WHAT DO WE DO NOW?" and explode.
That's exactly what I was wondering, guys.
wow, rude
I don't...really understand what's going on? I mean, I applaud your attempt to create instructions through pictures, so that the player doesn't need to know English...they're just not clear enough though! It looked like I was supposed to press the space bar to defend against the monsters, but nothing happens?
Also, why is it listed as having nudity???
It's nice enough...But after I won, nothing happened! I got all the cards, from ace to king of all four suits, onto the target piles and it just kinda...stayed there. The time even kept going!
Thank you! Its actually a bug and now I'm fixing it. Check the game in few hours if you like it
Hm, so it's a Gunlimb remake, focused less on "wacky physics" and more on frame-perfect platforming. That's okay, I suppose, but it's quite difficult...and it feels kinda like "fake" difficulty. I like the Game Boy-ish presentation, though.
"I'm sure they'll listen to Reason." -- Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
Lawng Goiland NY
Joined on 3/21/04