I completed the pattern, but it didn't work because the thing suddenly rotated. Why should I have to redo the entire pattern just because it decides to rotate? This is stupid.
I completed the pattern, but it didn't work because the thing suddenly rotated. Why should I have to redo the entire pattern just because it decides to rotate? This is stupid.
This is impossible, the game code doesn't care for the rotation of the sample pattern - you have to make it the right way up and everything goes well. You probably fudged up.
It's okay, but I ran out of gifts and didn't have enough money to refill. That's a pretty bad gameplay issue. There should be some way to spend all the money you currently have on gifts, even if it doesn't refill completely; that would make the game much more playable.
Thanks for the review. That's a great suggestion and I'll do that next time I make a similar game.
Why do I have to start over all the way from the beginning every time? That's not just challenging, that's ragequit-inducing.
don't agree
1) Learn the difference between "it's" and "its". 2) Robotron controls have the movement on the left and the shooting on the right. It's really clumsy to play with my arms crossed. At least give the option to configure! 3) Not that great anyway.
LOL I'm actually very ashamed by the grammatical error... I barely had time to mess with balancing the levels, let alone check the text of the game before the contest ended... And yes, the control scheme was the number one complaint I got, it will definitely be fixed in a fuller version :) Thanks for your time!
What the hell am I supposed to do? All I see are a bunch of words. There aren't any "brushes" or anything mentioned in the (hilariously uninformative) "Controls".
Gee, I wish those words were clickable. Oh well.
Ah right, I forgot about controls.
Well, you get points for choosing Albertus as a font, but this game is too simple and yet too hard. My high score was 0.
I see
Did you tried different paddles ?
You probably played with the hardest one
It's kinda fun, but it takes a while to get through...I keep wanting to jam the space bar to make things go faster. Also...is there any way to 'win'? ^_^;
Haha yeah I totally should have added a skip functionality - there is a way to finish the game, but I don't know if it's really winning :) Thanks for playing!
It's all right. Kind of Ikari Warriors-ish. It starts out so slow, though. Not only that, why does it pause for 15 seconds before starting? I seriously thought my computer had crashed.
Are you sure you didn't click on the screen while in gameplay? That pauses the game. I've experienced no pauses other than that.
"I'm sure they'll listen to Reason." -- Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
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